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Brachypelma Vagans Newly Moulted

I am actually waiting for this one. So when I checked my Tarantulas one time to see if they're doing good, I found my Vagans embracing moulting/molting.

It is in a perfect position for moulting, lying at it's back. You know, a Tarantula is to undergo molting when it is flipped back. It will took a couple of minutes to an hour. It's really ethereal to watch this scene, a Tarantula changing skin.

So my Brachypelma Vagans is undergoing moulting. The process, first it will prepare a web mat. Then it will flick a mess of uriticating hairs off starting from the abdome onto the web matting. The uriticating hairs were said to ward off any predators that may harm the Tarantula. So while flipped and static on a position. It is immobile and you can hardly differentiate a comatose from a moulting spidey.

For a smooth moulting, you have to make sure that your Tarantula's hydration is on a high level. Keep a full water dish often in their cage, aquarium, or house if you may want to call it.

So, on other photos, you will see that the Vagans is pulling its leg out. Imagine that that it is flip over. You'll just have to wait to see the moulting process. You will then see the legs, twitching. You'll even feel paresthesia seeing a Tarantula moulting. It will pump fluid in between the old and new exoskeleton to moisten the old skin for a smoother changing of the skin. Now, the carapace will be popped. It will pull its upper body and legs out gradually. At this moment, you will see the abdomen until finally, it will appear to be two separate Tarantulas.

After the moulting process, it will stay on its back temporarily. Do not touch the newly moulted spiders as they are easy to be stressed out. They are actually regaining their strength and energy. Remember that the moulting process is very exhaustive to the Tarantulas. It's like circumcision (just kidding) to us guys.

The Tarantula will then begin the hardening process of their skin which will take a few days to a couple of weeks for adults.

Do not disturb the Tarantula as they are very sensitive after a moulting event.

They will spend time cleaning and drinking water. Their fangs become white and clear after moulting. The sign that feeding time would be okay is when the fang turn black. At this point, your Tarantula's skin should be hardened up and has finished the hardening process.

At this point, it is important not to disturb the Tarantula. They will spend time cleaning and drinking water. There fangs are white/clear after a molt. A sign it’s feeding time again is when the fangs turn black. At this point your Tarantula should be hardened up.

There are signs that your Tarantula are to undergo moulting. The pre-moult is the stage before they fully start moulting. Tarantulas tend to loss their appetite. Their abdomen becomes bald and there is a darkening and swelling of the abdomen. They may stop eating for up to two to six weeks. Don't panic as that is totally okay. You know hibernation, it has nothing to do with what I am saying. Yay.

Anyways, just be patient and let nature take its course. If you have a burrowing specie, they will tend to cover their burrow's entrance with substrate or web or soil. They will emerge then after a period of time, that was when they are hungrier than ever. They are then ready ~newly moulted.

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